Applied AI Lunch Talk - Implement & Erudita


Talk 1:

How generative AI can drive business transformation and success

This talk will provide insight into how Implement helps clients with challenges that can be solved through generative AI. From high-level strategic initiatives that assess a business’s readiness to apply and adopt generative AI, to the development of proof-of-concept through co-creation, and lastly, the deployment of these solutions to create impact. 


Speaker 1:

Victor Emil Funch, Data Science Consultant at Implement

Victor Emil Funch is a Data Scientist at Implement and has been working with data science, machine learning, and specifically natural language processing since 2019. Upon finishing his master’s in economics in 2022, he joined the Implement Data & Analytics department which is part of the Digital Transformation practice. 


Talk 2:

Creating Systematic Reviews in a fraction of the time

Jose will delve into the transformative power of AI, showcasing its ability to revolutionize the creation of "Systematic Reviews" in a fraction of the time compared to traditional procedures. Through real-world applications, he will share valuable insights on how utilizes AI to achieve Scientific Impact, Enhanced Productivity, and CO2 Reduction, generating significant value. Join us for a compelling discussion that unveils the immense potential of AI and explores the challenges encountered on this transformative journey with, Jose's innovative entrepreneurial project.


Speaker 2:

Jose Cerdán, CEO of Erudita

With a background in healthcare and IT, a PhD in telerehabilitation, and a postdoctoral position in telemedicine, Jose brings over 24 years of experience at the intersection of technology and health. His expertise lies in "Health Digitalization and Research," and he is passionate about AI and how this technology can be applied to optimise "Scientific Text Production, Access to Scientific Knowledge and Science Communication". Jose has successfully founded four startups in health and technology, securing over €7M in soft money for R&D projects from EU and private funds.


Applied AI Lunch Talks