The EU AI Act: What It Means for You, in Simple Terms (Bill Marino)

torsdag den 31. oktober 2024 12:10 Europe/Copenhagen

The Talk:

The EU AI Act: What It Means for You, in Simple Terms

The EU AI Act should go into force later this year. Are you and your team ready for that? This talk will provide an accessible and practical introduction to the EU AI Act. Furthermore, we'll discuss exactly what AI practitioners of all types --whether researchers, startups/SMEs, or scaled corporations-- should begin to prioritize and put into practice today in order to ready themselves for the Act (and other AI regulations like it).

About the Speaker:

Bill Marino is a PhD student in the Department of Computer Science and Technology at Cambridge University. There, his focus is on building safe, secure, and compliant AI. Previously, Bill was a lawyer, a startup founder (exit to Adobe), and a product manager at Adobe and Stability AI. He is also a Visiting Lecturer at Cornell Tech in New York City, where he teaches on productizing machine learning technologies. 

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